Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Harry Potter and the Swine Flu?

No, that isn't the title of the movie!;) Jon and I went out Friday night for appetizers and then the movie. We discovered an amazing theater right down the road from us that rocks! The Inwood Theater has amazing couches, cocktails and a great atmosphere for movie viewing. We LOVED the HP movie....it was the best so far. I could go everyday, there I go expressing my inner nerdness. Anytime I am stressed Jon always tells me to go to the bedroom and put on a HP or the Golden Girls...I really am predictable.

So, after our fun Friday night, Luke woke up Saturday morning and had a fever and then the fun really started...

We took him in Saturday and everything was "clear" so he had a virus. The fever continued to rage. As a second time Mom, I don't usually worry about fever but this one got up to 104 even with meds so we were worried. Not to mention, I wasn't feeling well and Jon left Monday for the week.

I took him in again today after a long 3 days. The result: The ped is pretty sure he has swine flu. We were past the anti-viral time frame and the CDC has asked them not to really test unless parents askor you fall in a high risk group. Kinda sketchy about the CDC thing, but oh well! We went 8 hours between meds today and his fever at the end was 101...a big improvement. He ate lunch, dinner and ice cream today so I am praying we are on the mend and that no one else gets it!

So we have a little cabin fever here but it has been a rainy week. We have been trying to be creative so we dont watch too much TV. The boys are loving books on tape right now.
They are loving Art Dog by Thatcher Herd....Mama is is listening to HP Half Blood Prince and thus this post comes full circle!;)

Friday, July 24, 2009

Mama has a owie!

I had the first round of gum surgery on Tuesday. I had a frenectomy to cut the attachments on my lower gum. I just got local because I didn't want heavy sedation and it took a little over an hour. I was literally hooked up to more equipment than when I labored with Luke at the hospital.

It went well and my stitches will dissolve. The "big" surgery is set for the Friday before Labor Day because this has to heal for 6 weeks. I will be totally out for this one and hooked up to an EKG and everything. Very exciting for a silly stay a home mom, huh?! I get good pain meds for that one though and hopefully with my inability to eat, I will lose some pounds!;) Unfortunately, I won't be able to run for a week at least.

I would have taken pics but honestly I am not that cute in general so this would not have been pretty!

We have new arrival...

He is a monkey and his name is....this was Luke's choice.....Umbrella! We bought him at the aquarium when Luke and I were there last Thursday while Evan was at school. Luke hasn't quite been as spoiled as Evan as far as getting little things here and there because we have so much here. So he got to pick something out and he is really digging monkeys as of late and he LOVES umbrellas!;)

The 2nd picture is him...and Umbrella...throwing a tantrum above something or another!

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Luke's First Haircut

We actually need to call it more of a hairtrim since that is all he would allow. I waited till his little bangs were in his face and bothering him. Evan was about 1 when he got his first cut and Luke is 20 months so my waiting may have caused a negative response. He is also...shockingly...a bit of a mama's boy, so as you see I needed to be involved. Jon and Evan were both getting their haircuts at the same time so I didn't get many shots but these are the few I have. I am hoping it gets easier....or I may just have to send him the Stout Family Barbers....Holly is now cutting the boys hair! With her, I can tip in bottles of wine!;)
The first pic is of him the next day...not a great pic with the bagel stuffed in his mouth but you can see his hair. Hard to separate this child from his food!

Some Hutcheson Happenings

I have not posted much but we have been busy, busy, busy! My camera is acting up and we probably need a new one.

I have changed my workout routine. I now get up before 6 and try to be out running about 6:15-6:30. It's cooler, less heavy and I just needed some more time in my day to get other things done. I am way more exhausted butI am hoping that I will get used to it at some point.

We have been out and about keeping the boys busy. Last week our highlights were the zoo with Holly and Henry and the Science Museum with Holly and Henry on Friday. The kids had a great time at both!

This week, we hit the Arboretum with Ivana and Rigel on Wednesday and Luke and I went to the Aquarium after Little Gym this morning. We were suppose to meet up with a play group at a local pool but I couldn't stand the thought of the heat today. Not sure where we are headed tomorrow, maybe the zoo as they just got a new elephant!

Evan has one more week of summer school and then he is off for a week before we leave for York Beach...woohoo! Unfortunately, Jon will be in NY that whole week so I will have my hands full trying to get ready/pack with my little helpers! I would say he is going for work but since there will probably be poker, sports, drinking, "team building" and paintball involved, I will refrain and just say he has a business trip. You will note the sarcasm, but I am posting this more for my own benefit than to be cranky....when asked why he doesn't get more time to go away with friends(and I am asked), I will need some back-up!;)

Okay, off to take my new little swimmer for a dip in the pool!

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Evan Swims!

Jon asked Evan on Saturday if he wanted to take his floaties off and try swimming without them. He was hesitant but then Jon reminded him about all his friends that swim without them. He did it and did GREAT! He doesn't want to wear them at all now. We have a ways to go and Jon is working with him, but he is doing such a good job. Here is a little video!

Conversations With Evan

This week I had to take both boys to the store...always an adventure. A simple task like stopping for milk in the dairy section turned into this conversation.

Evan: Mom, cows make milk right?
Me: Yep
Evan: So do baby cows get nursies from mama cows?
Me: They sure do.
Evan: So if Luke and I don't get nursies from you anymore, why are we drinking cow nursies?
Me: silence.

Seriously, these are the kinds of conversations we have regularily. It keeps me on my toes!

Monday, July 6, 2009

More 4th Pics!

You notice the cute couples....Jon was there with the other wife. Just teasing, I am not sure why we don't have a pic, but I swear I was there and enjoying myself!:)

4th of July

It was hot and steamy here in the chicken fried nation! I went for my run early and 8 miles felt like 20 in the heat. We then participated in the little neighborhood parade and gathering. The boys thought it was too cool!
We had friends over for a BBQ in the afternoon. The kids swam and the adults ate and drank. Our friends the Aranas came by even though Manolo had just gotten back from Taiwan. Evan was thrilled to see Rigel and everyone had a lovely evening! In hindsight, we should have eaten inside...sounds lovely to have an outdoor table set for the 4th but 1o2 degrees is a little much! When Holly is wiping sweat from Todd's head, you know it is scorching.


Evan and Luke had their first adventure with s'mores...does that make us bad parents! We did them in the microwave and they both seemed thrilled.

Sprinklers, airplanes and umbrellas!

Luke had a VERY cranky day on Thursday after being up half the night with a cough and new teeth coming in! The Elmo sprinkler was the only thing that would calm him.

I cleaned out a ton of baby toys with the boys help and the promise that they could each pick out one new toy with a Toys R Us gift card we had. Evan picked out a new GeoTrax airplane and Luke picked out a Sesame Street guitar. They both got new umbrellas...which Luke is obsessed with. We also got a new beach ball sprinkler....Evan is in the picture head-butting it!

A trip to Toys R' Us with 2 boys.....an unspeakable adventure that requires wine therapy to recover from!;)