Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Spring Flowers

The Many Faces of Luke Halas

I know, I am biased but he is too cute for his own good!;) He can do "emotion" faces on command. He is either going to be a really good thespian or good with the ladies...Daddy is voting for both!

A few more birthday pics...

Evan also had his 5 year check up this week and all looks good! He is just shy of 46 inches and right at 50 lbs. His eyes were perfect and so was his hearing...a shock to me!!!;)
We were very lucky that after the dramatic 4 year visit (there were 6 booster shots or something), there were no shots at all....though he did go into high drama for the stick. What a drama king.
Very glad my guy is growing and healthy!

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Evan's 5th Birthday!

I can hardly believe that my first baby is 5! Evan Bede always has his birthday over spring break so we made sure to bring cupcakes to school on Friday so he could have his school birthday celebration!
Evan has been asking about getting Wii Sports Resort for his birthday for months, so *somehow* Gramma and Papa found out and sent it to was one of the highlights of his day.
He was up extra early, and after we saw what the birthday monsters left (a pitching machine, pitching/catching net, Wii sports attachments and lots of balloons), we had breakfast and headed outside to try out our new baseball gear.
Daddy joined us for lunch at the Purple Cow and then treated us to ice cream at Baskin Robbins before he put on his cape to dash back to work.
Evan and Luke spent the entire day playing outside and then we grilled hamburgers and had Spiderman ice cream cake to finish out our day.
It truly is hard to believe that I have been mothering this little person for so long. He is clearly morphing into a little version of his Daddy and all Hutcheson... aside from the huge feet. Despite that, I feel like it was just yesterday that I was watching March Madness and having contractions waiting for my whole world to change.
Happy Birthday Evan Loren!

Spring Break Fun and Follies!

I really love my children but the older they get and the more they want "stuff" to do, the more school breaks become more about my ability to be a very a good activities director than anything else.
Of course, Daddy had to go to Atlanta for part of the week so I did a lot of deep breathing...and praying... to get through the week with my sanity in tact.
The boys and I actually had fun. The problem is that they aren't used to being with each other 24/7 anymore so there was a bit of fighting.;) Every time, I turned my back there was devious plotting or making a pool for the farm animals in the bathroom sink(see above picture of Luke hanging over the bathroom sink).
We hit 1/2 Price Books for a shopping spree,daily trips to the Y so mommy could get in some sweat equity, did the Dallas Zoo, numerous area parks, hours of baseball(I always have to pitch), lots of fun lunches and picnics and an uncountable amount of hours finding ways to use dirt as part of our adventures!
They both fixated on the strange bird(see above pic) at the zoo, but Luke was enamoured with the new baby okapi we saw on the monorail...he wants a pet okapi.
I did survive however and they were pretty well behaved...Jon rewarded me by taking me out for dinner on Friday night!

Friday, March 19, 2010

My Spring Bulbs!

I planted some hyacinth and tulip bulbs in February and here they are! Not too bad, there are stilll some tulips ready to bloom. I inluded a pic of the flowers on our back favorite part of spring in our back yard!

Monday, March 8, 2010

Kindergarten, here we come!

I have not updated the blog in good excuses and I am certainly not enjoying a life of leisure...just have not gotten to it lately.

All seems to be well in the land of Hutcheson.

Our big exciting news is that Evan was accepted to the Kindergarten at our church....okay my church since Jon doesn't believe in anything he cannot eat....I am so relieved, excited and so happy to be done with this part of parenting. Assuming he does not flunk out, we are set with both boys till 8th grade.

The letter came about a week ago in a thin little envelope and I had horrid flashbacks to my letters of rejection from college. I had to remind myself, this is kindergarten. I love the school and have met a lot of moms through church who make me feel good about the decision.

The boys are going to be baptized later this spring!

Evan has started soccer again and loves it.....will share some pics soon of his team.

We are SO looking forward to spring here!