Tuesday, August 31, 2010

What we have been up to...

Let's see:

*Kindergarten is going really well and Evan seems to be right where he needs to be in terms of his writing, math and reading skills so we are happy about that. He has made lots of new friends and of course loves PE and Art the most....well except for church with Father Jason(our cool, hip new priest.). Who knew that cool, hip and Catholic could be in the same sentence.;)

*Luke and I (well not really me, but I am along for the ride) are in potty training boot camp since E is gone all week and Luke doesn't start school till next Wednesday. We started Friday afternoon....this was after he realized that most of his class(we were at a little class party) were in underwear. I didn't mention that he was in an older class because I need all the help I can get...snicker, snicker. It is going really well and unlike our last few attempts, even when he is annoyed that I force him to sit on the potty he does not ask for a diaper. He has been totally dry with one small accident for the last 2 days. Anyhoo.....crossing fingers that after 5.5 years straight, we are close to being done with dipes.

* Jon and I are gearing up for fantasy football: He is in a league at work, I am in a league with some girls and we are in a couples league. I am sure we will lose at all three, but it should be fun!

* We are "stretching the truth" so Luke can be in a 3 year old soccer league this fall. He is so excited and has lots of friends on the team....it will be too cute to watch him play:). I wanted to get him started early so when we start playing 95 club sports in the next 5 years, I will already be acclimated to shuffling schedules. And, no I am not exaggerating.....sports in Texas amaze even athletic me!

Monday, August 23, 2010

Just sometimes....

the sweetness can make you cry! I didn't tear up over Kindergarten or the big boy bed, but I came upon this as they were watching a movie.
As a mom of little kids, there are so many things that can try your patience....so many things. Everyday is about constant battles, negotiations and meltdowns, but really the love they have for each other and the special relationship makes all of it worthwhile.

The Hutchesons/Pocrnichs Come to Town

Well, originally Jon was taking the boys to Ohio for a long weekend and I was going with Amy for a nice weekend in Lake Geneva. The plans changed, I still went, but The Hutcheson/Pocrnich clan descended on Chicago. Not many pictures...Jon was in charge;)...but they had a wonderful time. They had Giordano's pizza, hit Brookfield Zoo and played silly games with Uncle Steve.
I would love to see some more pics...Cheryl, Susie???!!!:).

Visiting Auntie Lu

A cute group photo...a very skinny Colleen in is blue and Katie is in the pink top.
Awww...look at those Ermilio girls(okay, I have Jenkins feet but all else is Ermilio)

Aunt Lu found some of Kevin and Colleen's old Legos and the boys LOVED it!! We have made 2 trips to the Lego store since just to stock up...we are Lego obsessed right now.:)

We had a great time, we got to see the Garden of Love and it has been WAY too long since I saw Auntie Lu. I am trying to get her to come visit Dallas so I can show off my cooking skills....hope she takes me up one of these days.
The boys were smitten with Katie(Kevin's wife)...Evan still call her the "other girl". Though it has slowly evolved to "the pretty other girl".
I warned the boys before we got there that Aunt Lu had no little kids or grandkids so she wasnt used to whining....they were on their best behavior;).


Gorging themselves on Grandma made sundaes....there was fruit in them of course because Amy is nutty! I gave Grace an organic MINI blueberry scone for breakfast one morning...with fruit and organic yogurt...and she told me that scones are only for dessert. I guess that's what Aunties are for...:)

Go Cubs!

Grandpa graciously treated us to a Cubs game while we were in town...and he even arranged for them to beat the Brewers(very difficult for the stinky Cubbies!!!)!
The boys loved it. Luke sat still and enjoyed himself. Papa took us to lunch right across the street from Wrigley Field and the boys....Evan, Quinn and Luke (Grace was having her nails done)....then ate 2 hotdogs each, peanuts and Papa managed to work in an ice cream sundae in a plastic Cub hat.
No one puked, cried or did too much complaining...except for me because there was only crappy beer! So much fun!!!

Big Boy Bed.....Finally!

So, we have been asking the Lukey man if he is ready for his big boy bed....and he routinely says "NO"!. He had already picked out the sheet s and comforter himself, but he decided on Friday he was ready. We headed to Sams Club to buy him a mattress on Saturday and after many 4 letter words and several beers, Jon had his crib converted to a nice double bed.
He was a little unsure right when he got in, but then he fell asleep immediately and he now goes in there several times per day to check on his bed.
Evan was about 2 yrs, 4 months when we switched him because baby was on the way...he was not ready and we had weeks of bedtime battles. Luke is about 6 months older and the timing was awesome. He was ready, we were ready and very few battles...what more can we ask for!:)

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

First Day Of Kindergarten!

That last picture was my little guy, first thing this morning....a little groggy, but ready to go! He had a good breakfast and then was acting silly and posing with his muscles before he left!
He was all smiles when he got in the car and was so excited...he wanted to know if he could do the after school program and how long till he went back. I am sure some of the excitement will wear off, but I am happy he seems so excited about this new adventure.
A small side note is that he "couldn't find" his lunch in his backpack so he bought lunch...Kindergarten teachers keep their dining credit cards with them so the kids just tell them if they are buying lunch. I was a little upset he misled the teacher, but all his new buddies were buying lunch and I was pretty impressed he felt confident enough to do it. Wednesday is pizza day. He got pizza with whole wheat crust, milk, a small salad and fruit. Not too bad:).
I bought him a special cookie for after school...and he got to play some with Lukey before we dashed off to our first soccer practice.
The coaches are awesome and his team is all St. Monica's kindergartners.
I used to think my life was so boring when I was staying home with a baby and little bitty toddler....now we have activities and things to do non-stop. Not complaining, makes our days full and fun.
Luke missed brother but we had some fun today playing together...they both crashed HARD tonight!:)
We made it through the first day....of many to come!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Kindergarten Eve!

I know, I am totally behind on posts and need to post some pics from out trip to Chicago, but we have been busy getting ready for school....and entertaining very energetic boys! More to come...

So, tonight is the night before our first day of Kindergarten for my first born baby boy! I haven't been very good with baby books, I suck at scrap booking and I am not overly touchy feely....but tomorrow is a bittersweet ending and beginning for Evan.

I am ready, he is ready, but I still cannot believe it! We went to orientation on Monday and he got his teacher..Mrs. Ayers...and one of his new buddies from Kindergarten camp is in his class, so he is thrilled.

I feel so excited for him. A new adventure, new friends, a school both Jon and I really love and so many new paths for him to explore. I have always been the kind of mama who loves milestones, I love when they move onto the next thing, grow, change.....okay, I admit I LOVED when they slept with me so I was not ready to move on from that:). I am not sad, so much as thrilled at the opportunity to recognize how far he has come and how many amazing things he has ahead of him.

So, I may not scrapbook, I may not tear up, but I am so very proud of the little person he has become. Now, please just all say a little prayer that he can undo his belt in time to go to the bathroom.;)