Tuesday, September 29, 2009

An Evan funny!

When I picked up Evan from school this week, I asked him about his day and what he did at school.

He told me about his day and then added...in a very exuberant voice..."Mom, Mary Jane was back at school today..she isn't sick anymore".

I asked him why he was so excited and his response gave me a glimpse of the hormone laden years ahead.

"Uhhh, because she is pretty!"

He said it in this "Duh, you should have known voice". Of course E, pretty girls at school makes for a good day...should have known!;)

Just had to post this...

This is more for my reference or to be more specific to reference when one of the boys gets a speeding ticket...or me for that matter!

Anyone who has driven with Jon knows he has...well a bit of road rage and impatience. We also lived in DC for a decade where fast is a necessity on the beltway if you don't want to be run over by seedy politicians!:)

That said, in the month of September Jon has received:
2 red light camera tickets
2 speeding in a school zone tickets....2 days apart...same cop, same school zone!

Let's just say he wasn't in the best of moods on Friday when he got the 2nd ticket! Now everyone can understand why we can't move to the suburbs that require him to have a hour commute, he would be locked up or in an asylum!

However, the Buckeyes, Bears and Bengals won this weekend so it helped to ease the pain a little bit!

A Few Smiling Boys!

Here are a few pics of my favorite boys....well, Jon is technically a grown-up but not in reality;)!
The first 2 pics are from Evan's 4.5 birthday celebration on the 18th...we made a fabulous cake and did our bi-annual wall measurement!
The other pics are of the boys being goofy for the camera. As you can see they are starting to look more alike if you discount the eye color and body types.
We have had a busy few weeks with school adjustment....Luke is doing SO much better....soccer, school functions and making a decision about moving/finding a private school for Kindergarten next year.
You would think we were looking into sending him to college...though there were some boarding schools Jon wan interested in at the school fair.;)
You will notice I have not posted soccer game pics yet...that is because Daddy has been in charge of 2/3 soccer games and thus no pics, no camera. In my defense I was running a 12 mile race during the first game and Luke was napping this past Saturday, but I will get some pics this week and post them.
He really likes soccer, but you can tell that he just started playing and isn't quite sure what to do. The team is kids from the preschool so he likes hanging out with his friends.
School is going better for Mr. Luke. He is very attached to his mom and talks about me coming to get him throughout the day, but he is slowly getting better and has a little crush on a girl in his class. Jon thinks he is more attached than E was but I am not so sure it doesn't have to do with being the 2nd kid....Dad's always hanging out with the older guy over rocking the fussy baby!
We have all been sick with colds and URIs and I currently have no voice but all this is to be expected with the start of a new school year and 2 vectors coming home with cooties all week.
We have decided to not sell the house and stay put so we are on the hunt for a school for Evan in the fall...and eventually Luke as well. In the mean time, we have started a few home improvement projects that have been on the back burner. We are re-configuring and re-doing the guest room just in time for Grandma and Grandpa's Turkey Day Visit! we are also repainting the boys bathroom. Evan got to pick...with some guidance and he picked ORANGE!
I will upload some pics as soon as we are done...should be this weekend!

Monday, September 21, 2009

The 3/3 Weekend!

Well, last weekend was a terrible sports weekend for us so we thought surely it had to make a turn for the better this weekend...and it did!

Ohio State wins, Bengals stun the Packers and Da' Bears upset the Steelers...Jon was in such a good mood that he cleaned out the garage and guest room!

In other news, Evan had his first soccer game this weekend...Daddy took him so no pics;). He had a great time and Luke loved running the sidelines.

I ran a 20K at the Arboretum and got to hang out with Holly, Todd, Carla and Bob drinking beer afterwards....they ran too! It was such a fun race and I felt great the entire time.

Luke is having a super hard time adjusting to school so my "free time" is like an hour before they have me come get him. I am hoping this week goes a little better than last week since he was under the weather as well. The teachers/director say to give it a month before making a decision about whether he should continue. Keep your fingers crossed!

We think we may have made a decision about kindergarten for the fall....details to come after a few tours! I cannot wait to have that monkey off my back.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Evan and Luke's First Days of School

The last pic is actually Evan's first day of school on Wednesday but Luke had to put his backpack on and get in the picture. Evan is really excited to be going 5 days a week to school and I can already tell though he will be tired and grumpy while he re-adjusts, it is going to be great for him since he likes routines. Our mornings are actually smoother now that we have to be somewhere everyday and we do the same thing....like no TV till after breakfast, teeth brushed and chores done.
Luke started today. He woke up and wanted his backpack, to get dressed and get his new shoes on. They were both excited it was his first day. It was hard to get good pics because as you can imagine no one wanted to stand still.
We dropped Evan at his classroom first and then Luke. When I took him in, he started to play with something and was happy until he realized I was headed out the door. He had a full crying fit and when I peeked in after I left he was on the floor screaming and crying. I was totally ready for him to go and expected there to be a few tears but it is still a little heart wrenching to see one of your little people so upset because they want to be with you. Luckily, today was the shorter day of his 2 so they were just there till 12PM.
Daddy is OOT so I had to run when I got home from dropping them off and it was delightful to run mid-morning during the week without a heavy jogging stroller.
When I picked them up, they told me Luke only cried for a few minutes and had a great day...well he hated getting his diaper changed, but that's how it is at home too;)!
He blabbered on and on in the car about Ms. Peggy, Ms. Peggy, Ms. Peggy...she is the aide to his teacher. He loved " the park"...the playground. The boys got McDonalds for lunch a first day treat! All in all a pretty good first day! Daddy will upload the video when he returns and I will add it.
A hilarious sidenote: Evan still has the BIGGEST crush on one of the teachers...Ms. Autumn. She didn't teach this summer so I thought it would dissipate but not a chance. He told one of the other preschool mommies at soccer last night that she was going to come live with us!LOL

Monday, September 7, 2009

Some recent zoo pics

Here are some pics from one of our recent trips to the Fort Worth Zoo. The boys love the zoo and we go almost every week when we can. They love riding the train when they are at the the Fort Worth Zoo. You will notice how old my little Luke is starting to look...he is becoming a little boy instead of a baby.
I am looking forward to the weather cooling down so we can enjoy the zoo even more in less sweltering temps!

Cupcakes, cupcakes, cupcakes!

We spent most of the long Labor Day weekend hanging out by the pool and playing outside as Mommy was slightly incapacitated from oral surgery on Friday...or drugged depending on the hour of the day!
I bought them some red. white and blue cupcakes and they went to town....Luke was asking for "just 1 more peese!"
Just enjoying the last few hot, hazy days of summer before the kids start school this week.
I am getting a little ambivalent about Luke going but I know he is ready and he needs someone besides us to chatter to!:)