Wednesday, May 26, 2010

My new favorite Mom Quote

People have said to me, "What a pity you have such a big family to raise. Think of the novels and poems and short stories you never had time to write because of that." And I looked at my children and said, "These are my poems. These are my short stories." ~Olga Masterson ♥

Luke: Before and After

I forgot to take a picture of Luke yesterday on his last official day for the year. So, I took a pic today. The first pic is him and Evan on the first day. He has come a LONG way! We went through about 4 months of tears at drop off and now he is a happy campera and looking forward to summer with friends at school.
Still looks like a baby to me!;)

Before and After: My Evan

Today was the last day of preschool. Well, they are both going this summer a few days a week, but today was Evan's last official day of preschool...EVER. We took a picture with Daddy this morning to show how big our first baby has gotten. The 2nd picture is him with Jon on his first day of preschool in the Fall of 2007.
I can hardly believe how big my first baby has gotten!

Beautiful Blooms

We tried a new method of hydrangea pruning this fall/winter...per our gardening experts the Posts...and we have had much success this year! Look at my bushes. They make me happy every time I go outside.:)

So yummy!

I love eating in the summer...all that basil is from my garden and the heirloom cherry tomatoes are from a local farm. Mmmm.....

Tuesday, May 25, 2010 did we get here?

Sometimes, in the mundane drag of all the little details of ordinary life as a mom, time whizzes by so quickly that occasionally you are not sure how you got from point A to B.

For me, it is never the big historic moments....though those are lovely to!. It is rarely the first day of preschool, the last day of the crib, the day you get to toss all the binkys away or the day they first swim without floaties. For me the more epic moments come when you boldly see in one moment that you are at a point of change.

I have spent the past 5 years with diapers, bottles, binkys, swings, strollers, carriers, swaddlers, swings, little shoes, packs of wipes in every conceivable place and bottles upon bottles of sanitizer. Yesterday, Luke and I were running a plethora of errands and I opened the back of car and there were bags of baseballs, batting helmets, bats, cleats and of course the smelly boy/man smell of post-sporting event nature. In that moment, it hit me that there had been a shift, there was no longer always going to be strollers, diaper bags, bags of half eaten Cheerios or travel potties in my back seat. We were moving closer to sports equipment bags, smelly uniforms , an endless supply of dirty socks, baseball hats, soccer cleats and crumpled school papers.

A little bittersweet, but certainly more sweet than bitter for me...Jon may have other opinions as his baby hormones continue to rage. More than anything though there is a feeling of gratitude, so glad that I took the leap and gave up the "big career" so I could stay at home and "be bored"(oh, how naive I was) with these little boys. Never a dull moment!

Play Ball!

The boys before Evan's first t-ball game! Gee....where did those ears come from?:)

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Hutcheson Happenings!

We have been SUPER busy with end of the year school stuff so I thought I would hit a few highlights:

*Evan started t-ball and Coach Daddy is doing really well with keeping 12 5-6 year olds focused
*Luke and I are cheering for the Celtics, Daddy and Evan the Magic
*Our veggie garden is GROWING so fast, we can barely keep up!
*Jon thinks LeBron is staying, I think he will end up elsewhere...there is a huge dinner riding on this!
*Luke has ZERO interest in potty training for all you inquiring minds;)...though he has been moved up to the older class for the summer because he talks like a 4 year old. Too bad he won't go potty like one!
* Evan has a new "girlfriend" named Meredith. She is 4 and the younger sister of a friend. All his friends call her his girlfriend. We live in Texas so her Daddy is very overprotective...and he is packing, but luckily he is a friend so he isn't too worried.:)

*Jon and I are headed to New Orleans the first weekend in June with some friends. Aunt Cheryl and Kylie are coming to handle our rugrats.....we are SO appreciative.

*After a month long Daddy phase, Luke is back to full on "Mommydom". Today, we went out to lunch and he told me that I was his favorite person to hug...that equals true love when you are 2!:)

I will add some pics later this week!

Monday, May 10, 2010

Family Pics..Take 2!

The link didn't sorry.
Here are a few!:)

Some New Family Pics

I have been slacking the last week. End of the school year is always, busy, busy, busy!

Here are some cute pics we had taken on Saturday night! My boys are looking so grown up....all of them, notice Jon's quickly greying hair?!:)