Saturday, January 23, 2010

Some Random Pics

Just because they are so darn cute!

Dallas Zoo:Take 2

Somehow, my very persuasive children talked Cheryl into taking them back to the zoo on Monday because they hadn't seen enough. It was 70 degrees so they couldn't resist being outside. The boys had a great time and tried on silly masks at the zoo store.
I decided to take advantage of the weather and get some plants for my pots in the front of the house. This is one of the HUGE upsides to living in Dallas...planting in January. Jon also put some tulip and hyacinth bulbs in for me.
We ended the day by grilling hamburgers and brats...a perfect spring BBQ in January!
We had so much fun with Cheryl and Kylie and are trying to convince them to talk Steve and Bryant into moving down here!:) Evan and Luke talk about Kylie all the time and they can't wait to visit Steve because they love a good cookie duster...their silly word for mustache!;)

Dallas Zoo:Take 1

On Sunday, Aunt Cheryl and Kylie took the kids to the zoo and to lunch while Jon and I did some things around the house...without the "help" of our little people.
They had great time...Luke was scared of the gorillas as usual but they got to ride the monorail and the carousel and of course they talked Aunt Cheryl into buying them something. Luke got a stuffed cheetah that he has named "Cheetoh". Evan got weasel that chases a little ball....I don't have a picture but it is as bizarre as it sounds.
The kids got back from the zoo and then immediately dragged Cheryl and Kylie out to play tennis....their new obsession...luckily the weather was great and everyone had a great time!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Bowling and Other Adventures

On Saturday, Cheryl and Kylie took the kids for lunch at the Purple Cow, Baskin Robbins for ice cream (specifically because Evan wanted gummy bears on his ice cream and Aunt Cheryl was "conned" into it;)) , bowling and then to the park. Whew, I am tired just typing all that
During this time Jon and I went out for lunch, went to go see Sherlock Holmes (fantastic by the way) and then went to dinner before heading home! I am embarrassed to say that it is the longest we have spent along together for almost 1.5 years. We had a very nice time together...though admit tingly it is really hard for me to relax because I am used to always being "on" with the kids.
Thanks again to Aunt Cheryl and Kylie for babysitting so we could go out!

Pizza Night!

We thought making pizza would be fun to do with the boys...they love rolling out the dough! Evan and Jon think they can toss the dough in the air which usually ends up in mess, but everyone has a good time. Luke showed Cheryl and Kylie why he is rarely hungry for dinner when we make pizza....he consumes all the ingredients prior to the pizza going in the oven!:)

Some special guests....

Aunt Cheryl and Kylie came all the way from cold Ohio to visit us for the long holiday weekend. We had a great time and the weather was awesome! It was in the 60s Sunday and Monday. Cheryl..and Kylie...are so great with the boys and they just love being around them. I got some much needed quiet time while the troops went off on some adventures. Luke was taken with Aunt Cheryl and locked himself in the back hallway with her one night so he could be her only focus!;)
These pics are from our trip to the Aquarium on Friday. Evan got to stay home from school to hang out with everyone. Luke made Cheryl stay at the "Nemo and Dory" tank forever.
They both couldn't get over how big Evan is..particularly his feet..and how much Luke talks!
I will say that the only drawback to having exciting people visiting....Luke refuses to nap because he doesn't want to miss a moment!LOL

Monday, January 4, 2010

Aquarium Adventures!

On Saturday, we headed to the aquarium to get out of the house and do something other than injure ourselves playing Wii!;)
My favorite thing is the owls...just because I have a minor fascination with them right now.
Luke and Evan love the huge tank with all the manatees, fish, turtles, etc.
There was a new additions of anteaters there...always a Hutcheson favorite because they are so adorably ugly!
I am not sure what the bizarre pose is in the first picture!
Jon discovered that Luke's favorite way to see the aquarium is while being held by someone....usually me but since Daddy was there he got the honors.;)

Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy 2010!

We had a quiet but very lovely New Year's Eve just the 4 of us! When you have several little people keeping you busy and no sitter, midnight is more laughable than least here for me!

We had a very nice dinner and toasted 2010 early with Champagne and Sparkling "beer"(grape juice). Jon did some crafts with the kids....his attempt to make up for my total deficiency in this category. Soon he will be knitting for the children since I don't do that either. The horror!

We also had a very productive day...all things Christmas were undone and put away neatly.

Jon has absolutely no resolutions because he never does but I am trying to drink more water and I am more resolved than ever to stay out of the loony bin this year!

After Christmas...

Well it is a holiday after the Happy Hutcheson's always have a virus or 2! This time it was just a throat virus not strep but the boys were pretty sick for a couple days. Lots of Dora videos and naps on the couch.
If looking for a bright spot it definitely wasn't as bad as The Rotavirus Christmas were Jon, Evan and I were all sick and managed to infect like 8 other people.;)
Plus, we are happy to report the Stouts did not catch the yuck so they may return to our house at some point!

More Christmas

We had a lovely day with The Stouts for Christmas and even convinced them to spend the night so we could stay up super 10:30 for the boring parents of little boys crowd!:)
We had a lovely dinner: Crab and Celery Remoulade,Beef Tenderloin Roast with Madeira Sauce, Roasted Potato, Carrot and Parsnip Coins and a Radicchio and Gruyere Salad with Walnuts. Holly made a decadent cake from Southern Living a chocolate citrus cake with candied oranges. The ganache was heavenly.
The boys were pretty well behaved and played lots of Wii. We relaxed as much as possible as you can with 4 active little maniacs. We did get to play a game after they all went to bed.
The one lowlight was that E started feeling sick before bed and woke up with a fever and throat infection! Can't be a holiday here without illness but luckily none of the Stouts got sick.
Holly and I were off the next morning to meet Carla for shopping and lunch....we had a blast!
We loved spending Christmas with the Stouts!