Sunday, March 20, 2011

The Garden Expansion

Sweet Mint and Oregano

Broccoli and Red Potatoes

Porter Tomatoes, Grape Tomatoes and Big Jim mild peppers

The view of the whole garden
We began our major garden expansion today. We ripped out the remainder of the bushes and tilled all the grass. It is officially all garden space now. We planted quite a bit today, but have much more to do. I spent 2 hours at Northhaven Gardens browsing and getting advice on what will work in the newer unused soil. I bought a ton of acid compost to get things started.
We have had major tomato issues tha last 2 years, so I spent quite a long time with a garden consultant trying to figure out my best options. We went with small to med fruit size(grape and porters), soaked the roots in seaweed and fish liquid emulsion and put phosphate into all of the soil and holes. I am hoping this was very discouraging last year.
I plan to add basil, thyme, parlsey and cilantro for sure. I also need to add a few more pepper varieties. I am trying to do less and do it well!

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Spring Is Here

I just tolerate the winter because I know spring is coming. One of the most wonderful parts of living in Dallas, is that Spring comes in March and the flowers are already everywhere.
Just a few from our yard...
Tomorrow we are working on the veggie/herb garden.
Tonight we went to one of our favorite restaurants for tex mex and had a lovely meal on the is beautiful here high 70s and sunny!

More of E's Birthday

Ready for his favorite part of the hotel....the breakfast buffet! They had one of everything.
Getting ready for bed with Lukey. Luke ended up with us after Evan soaked the bed with pee....he was well hydrated for soccer;).

Looking like a big, bad 6 year old. Yes, he is that bet is 7th grade for when, he is taller than Jon.
I can hardly believe it was 6 years ago, that I sat watching March Madness while "resting" between contractions. I am so blessed to have this special little guy as part of my life now and cannot imagine what life was like before him. Thanks for teaching me how to be a mama Evan Bede!

Evan's Birthday

Playing with molding sticks while waiting for dinner at Fireside Pies, Evan's birthday dinner request.
Brownie sundae shared with his little brother...we even had a candle.

Evan had soccer camp all afternoon and his big birthday request was to stay at the Embassy Suites down the street from our house, so here are the boys in front of the fountain.

Opening iPod touch from us, Star Wars Encyclopedia from Grandma and Papa. He has wanted a touch for SO long and all his friends have them(frightening, I know). We got it for free with American Express Points, so we finally gave in. He was very excited!

He also wanted a hamster, but had to settle for a card with a singing hamster....nothing else that poops is allowed in my house till I am no longer in charge of peoples' bodily functions.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

"Jon" Travolta

Need I say more...

My Crazy Corgi

This is Payton's typical post dinner, evening relaxation spot! You noitce how far the chairs are moved away from the table and still he finds a way!

The Birthday Monsters....

have been here tonight! Six years ago tonight, Jon and I were watching March Madness, when Evan FINALLY decided it was time to start working his way out. I can hardly believe my little tiny baby...okay he has rarely been almost 6!

Happy Leprechaun Day!

My very tasty corned beef and cabbage....I feel I should get extra wife/mom points for cooking after a minor household disaster;). The horseradish crust made the corned beef extra delicious.

Crazy day here...I should have videotaped it for further hysterical review. I walked by the boys bathroom this morning and heard running water. It seemed to be from the toilet, I checked and was concerned that it seemed to be rushing. I bent down to turn off the water to the toilet and the attachement from the toilet to the wall broke away and a geyser of water started spraying.

I could not get the water turned off..we have to turn it off in the front of the house in the yard..because it was turned so tight. I ran down the street in boxers, a tshirt and bare feet to get a plumber at a neighbors house to help me shut it off. Seriously, I felt like I was on hidden camera.

All is mended and cleaned up. Have I mentioned it's spring break...

Evan's Birthday Party

Luke and his crew. The little girl on his right is Keira, his friend Joshs' sister. They will be in Kinder together. The other 2 little girls are sisters of his friends and they will be the year after Luke.

Evan and his friend Ben had their birthdays together at an indoor soccer place on Sunday. It was SO much fun and really one of the best parties we have ever had. My girlfriend and I did snacks and each boy had a cake. It was so low key and just 25 smelly, sweaty boys playing soccer for 2 hours. The boys had so much fun!

I'm Here!

Since my babies were little, I always thought I would have more time once they got seems that other things seem to spill into my "extra time". We have had lots of practices, school functions, baby showers, birthdays, games, etc, etc. I do think about posting for the few people who check this, but something always seems to outweigh the sleeping;)!

Trying to be a bit at least Grandma and Papa can keep up with the life and times of the Hutcheson boys!