Thursday, July 29, 2010

Nice Try Mama!

Luke is REALLY into Toy Story right now, so I bought him some Toy Story undies today thinking, I would suprise him and my stubborn baby would consider giving them a shot.

He told me they were "awesome", then said"Nice try Mama, but I still want to wear diapers"!

Have I mentioned that vomiting children and potty training are up there on my list of least favorite parenting duties!;)

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Hellllou Janice!

Really, need I say more...

Who Looks More Silly?

And honestly....are Jon's boobs bigger than mine now? Must do something to remedy that!

This is what it looks like...

when you Mom has given up on forcing naps. You simply fall asleep while watching a movie while big brother is at camp! The pink binky is his signature accessory:).

Food by Moi!

The first pic is my peach and chicken quesidillas...Texas peaches of course...with a Spinach salad with a cumin vinaigrette. Really good and an easy,light summer dish that appears to be a crowd please. I used extra spicy habanero cheese for Jon and I and regular Monterrey jack for the boys.
The 2nd dish is a re-creation of a dish from my Italian friend Ivana. It is a "simple"(her words) sauce with tuna, capers, black olives and lots of garlic. So good...but not as yummy as when she makes it for me! However, I used the tuna in oil she recommended (Cento) and it really was delicious.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Lazy Summer Days

I have no idea what that means. I really don't think anyone with small children does. My girlfriend Holly says that her chiropractor says she has the most moms in the summer just because of the stress level. Even when you have the best intentions to be the laid back, cool still always seem to need a glass of wine by 3PM...okay, maybe that's just me!;)

We finished swim lessons last week and this week is our last week of summer school and Evan has Kindergarten Jumpstart Camp at St. Monica's. Should I add in that the dogs needed to get baths, Payton needed to get to the vet for his rabies shot, I needed to plan meals, get ready for a trip, Jon was in Beantown and Evan had a 24 hour bug. Never.a.dull.moment.

I realize that someday they will want nothing to do with me and will want to be with their friends all summer, but still, I think adding Activities Director to my resume is more than appropriate!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Swim Lessons!

The boys have swim lessons at the Y every afternoon this week and next. It is a little bit of a circus because Evan has lessons with his friend. While he has lessons, my girlfriend and I play with Luke and her daughter. Then we change the boys after their lessons, take them to childcare and take our little guys to lessons...where we also have to get in the pool.

The good news is that the boys are LOVING the lessons. Evan has made so much progress in just 3 is amazing. He is now swimming with his face in the water for long stretches with a stroke like motion.

I am just thrilled that there is no screaming and crying like the last time we tried swim lessons!

On a side note, Luke told me today that he liked taking lessons with me because, it was "his special Mama time". I love having a Mama's boy...most of the time!;)

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Luke's First Movie

Evan had a birthday party on Saturday, so my Mom and I took Luke to see Toy Story 3. He has been wanting to go for awhile, but Evan has no desire to see a movie in a theater (don't ask, I have no idea!), so this was a great opportunity. He did SO good. Here are a few highlights:

* Luke sat right between Grandma and I, crossed his skinny little ankles and asked that the popcorn be on one side and the gummy bears on the other so he could alternate.

*I kept thinking he was going to get bored/impatient, so during the previews, I told him a few times that the movie would be on the soon, he told me: "Mommy, I heard you the first time!"

*During the "scary" parts, I held his hand and told him it was okay to be scared he said: "I am not scared Mommy, I am a big boy".

*When the movie was done I was sure he would be anxious to leave after sitting for so long and he said.."Is there another movie coming on for us to watch?".

I think he has my love for movies!:)

Friday, July 9, 2010

Luke's Directions

So in trying to encourage potty training, I go through my usual mundane routine. Today, when I went to change Luke's poopy diaper these were his instructions verbatim:

"Mommy, when you change me, I want to tell you something:
Number1:(he actually said "number one"): don't tell me "Ewwww, Lukey what a stinky diaper, how yucky to be sitting in poopy"

Number 2: Don't ask me when I am going to wear underwear."

Some days, I literally think being a prison guard at Alcatraz would have been easier. No sarcasm.

Happy Foruth Of July!!!

We enjoyed a lovely Fourth of July with our house guests from Chicago! The boys had a wonderful weekend with Grandma and Papa. We hit lots of our favorite spots (including the new exhibit at the zoo) and had lots of lazy hours in the pool!

Individual Peach Cobblers

I made yuumy individual peach cobblers for Fourth of July weekend! They turned out really well. The local peaches made the dish even more delicious!