Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Just stuff...

Just some quick midweek tidbits:
* We had the power off for almost 24 hours from Thursday night to Friday night. It stunk. Sounds cozy, with all the snow but not really with a 2 and 4 year old. I know this makes me sound high maintenance but I am still rocking sweatpants from high school so I don't have to buy new ones...I just don't like being in the cold and the dark.

*I keep asking the husband if we can relocate to the West Coast. If it's going to snow in Texas on a regular basis, I want out. Wussy, high maintenance, baby...I'll take all of those is if it gets me on warmer ground!

*Lent started today and I "got" to take Luke to church with me.....he passed with flying colors. Though there were plenty of sweat beads on several areas of my body. I am giving up red meat for Lent. I am also working on patience and not using choice language....especially around the boys!

*I have started an intensive continuing education course on Functional Training. It helps keep my certification current and it makes me believe that one day I will again be a productive working member of society that occasionally gets to pee without an audience.

*We should find out the first week of March if we get into the private school for Evan (kindergarten), if not we will have to move.....hey, maybe that's my out to sunny Arizona and warmer weather!;)

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Snowy Day in Dallas

It actually snowed here last night while we were sleeping! I know most of the people who read this live in snowy places and are rather unimpressed by a bit of snow, but around here it is the boys have only seen it one other time and they really didn't get to play in it.
I was happy that they still had school, but I made a trip to Target to get them some boots. They are actually rain boots so they will come in handy again in the Texas thunderstorms for puddle jumping.
When I picked them up from school all they wanted to do was play outside. We had to head the doctor for their 2ND H1N1 vaccine but as soon we got home, they got booted up and headed outside.
I didn't get pics, but they made 2 little snowmen complete with carrots for the noses and raisins for the eyes. They played out there for a good 2 hours...Luke skipped his nap for this adventure.
Hopefully, they will sleep well tonight with all that playing!
On a side note:
I have decided that if I never deal with another flake of snow in my life I would be okay with it. Maybe an occasional vacation in snow, but I don't even ski. I would be much happier to move somewhere even warmer where it is flip-flop season 365 days a year....a girl can dream!

Evan's Lost Tooth!

Evan has had a wiggly bottom tooth for awhile and his new tooth was coming in behind it. I was a bit worried that they were going to want to pull the baby tooth to make room for the new one and seriously, the dentist is already a cocktail worthy experience with the boys so, I was hoping to avoid that!
When we went to brush his teeth last night, we noticed the tooth was gone! He doesn't remember it falling out and it was definitely there when I brushed his teeth in the morning. He was a bit upset that he did not have his tooth, but we left the tooth fairy and note and hoped for the best;).
In the pic you can see the little gap with the new tooth already well on its way in!
The tooth fairy did manage to make it here, much to Evan's relief!
I made the "tooth fairy" be in charge of writing a little note to him...because somehow Evan was under the impression that the tooth fairy left notes. It took the "tooth fairy" 20 minutes to compose the above note complete with "his" ridiculous wit...."See you in the funny papers"?!
Evan got 4 quarters for his first lost tooth this morning....much to Jon's chagrin. In "his day" you only got a penny...welcome to my life with an Academy Award winning dramatic actor for a husband!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Heard at carpool pickup...

Me: What was the best part of the day today?

Evan: I saw Luke twice at school today and said hi to him!
Me: That was the best part of the day?
Evan: Mom, what you have to understand is that Lukey is my best friend so wen I see him I get excited! makes a Mommy's heart melt! Until, the next boxing match at the house, but I will take what I can get!:)
Those are some pics from last night of my little people!

Jon turns 25.....a.g.a.i.n.!

Okay, so Jon turned the big 4-2! When I told the boys how old he was going to be, Evan's response was "You've gotta be kidding me Mom!"
I will admit, sheepishly, that waking up next to a 42 year old makes my almost 33 years seem very young and full of life!;)

We had no big plans and Jon decided he wanted to enchiladas for dinner. Evan was home from school for his entrance test for Kindergarten so we wrapped gifts, made cards and made a cake while Daddy was at work!
Though life with a 2 & 4 year old can prevent many exciting evenings out, I think he still had a nice time. I was unfortunately not feeling well but managed to make dinner and manage the cake chaos when we discovered Evan had played with/lost the candles and we had to use a tea light!

Jon took many phone calls from his admirers! I will say that he needed help getting dressed for bed because not only is he old, but he made his first trip to the gym in some time and is so sore he can barely move!
Happy Birthday Jon!

Monday, February 1, 2010

Report Cards!

Okay, not really report cards....heavens they are just in preschool!;)

I went to Evan and Luke's teacher conferences last week and they both are doing really well!

Evan's was more comprehensive because they really try to give the 4 year old parents a good idea about whether they are on track for Kindergarten. Evan is doing REALLY well and his teacher said he is well ahead of where he needs to be for kindergarten....he got "M"'s for mastered on 95% of his report card. He needs to work on a few small motor things...cutting on lines and such but he is doing awesome! Both he and mama are ready for kindergarten.

Luke is also doing really well. He still has some separation issues and needs to work a little bit on sharing with his classmates, but he is thriving! She did ask if I was doing flashcards at home with him since his language was so good and his vocabulary is huge! I wanted to say yes, but I admitted to my slacker mom status and said it was just luck.;) Luckily, she find it mildly amusing that his vocabulary includes "dammit". Must clean that up before Catholic school!